Monday, August 4, 2008

Bruce Lee And Jet Kune Doo

Lǐ Xiǎolóng
() also known as Bruce Lee, was an Martial artist, actor, philosopher but most of all he is the founder Jet Kune Doo kongfu form born November, 27 1940.
Lee's first introduction to martial arts was through his father, Lee Hoi Cheun. He learned the fundamentals of
Wu Style Tai Chi Quan from his father. Lee also trained in Wing Chun KungFu from age 13–18 under Hong Kong Wing Chun Master, Yip Man.

Bruce was also trained in Western Boxing and won the 1958 Boxing Championship match against 3-time champion Gary Elms by knockout in the 3rd round. Before arriving to the finals against Elms, Lee had knocked out 3 straight boxers in the first round.In addition, Bruce learned western fencing techniques from his brother Peter Lee, who was a champion fencer at the time. This multi-faceted exposure to different fighting arts would later play an influence in the creation of the eclectic martial art Jet Kune Do.

Jet Kune Do, "Way of the Intercepting Fist" is a martial art philosophy developed by Bruce Lee him self, also known as Jun Fan Jeet Kune Do. "Jun Fan" was Lee's Chinese given name, so the literal translation is "Bruce Lee's Way of the Intercepting Fist."

Jeet Kune Do originated in 1965. A match withWong Jack Man influenced Lee's phylosophy on fighting. Lee believed that the fight had lasted too long and that he had failed to live up to his potential using Wing Chun techniques. He took the view that traditional martial arts techniques were too rigid and formalistic to be practical in scenarios of chaotic street fighting. Lee decided to develop a system with an emphasis on "practicality, flexibility, speed, and efficiency".

5 Ways Of Attack

  • Simple Angular Attack (SAA) and its converse Simple Direct Attack (SDA).
  • Hand Immobilization Attack (HIA) and its counterpart Foot Immobilization attack, which make use of trapping to limit the opponent's function with that appendage.
  • Progressive Indirect Attack (PIA). Attacking one part of the opponent's body followed by attacking another part as a means of creating an opening.
  • Attack By Combinations (ABC). This is using multiple rapid attacks, with volume of attack as a means of overcoming the opponent.
  • Attack By Drawing (ABD). This is creating an opening with positioning as a means of counter attacking.
3 Parts of Jet Kune Doo
  • Efficiency - An attack that reaches its mark.
  • Directness - The shortest distance between two points is a straight line.
  • Simplicity - Thinking in an uncomplicated manner; without ornamentation.
Jet Kune Doo as phylosphy
  • The usefulness of a cup is its emptiness.Be prepared to accept new knowledge and not be hindered or biased by old knowledge.
  • Using no way as way. - Don't have preconceived notions about anything. This statement is embedded in the Jeet Kune Do logo.
  • Having no limitation as limitation. - Don't be confined by anything, achieve true freedom. This statement is embedded in the Jeet Kune Do logo.
  • From form to formless and from finite to infinite. - Don't be confined by limitations and forms. By not having specific form all forms can be included.
  • If people say Jeet Kune Do is different from "this" or from "that," then let the name of Jeet Kune Do be wiped out, for that is what it is, just a name. Please don't fuss over it.Don't get hung up on labels. The goal is to understand the ideas in JKD, and apply those ideas to your life.
  • Empty your mind. Be formless, shapeless, like water. Now you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle, it becomes the bottle. You put it into a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Now, water can flow, or it can crash! Be water, my friend. - Lee explaining the principle of being like water to Pierre Berton in the so-called Lost Interview.
  • Use only that which works, and take it from any place you can find it. Effectiveness and eclectism, rather than tradition and nationalism, are the core values.
  • Do not deny the classical approach, simply as a reaction, or you will have created another pattern and trapped yourself there.
  • Circumstances must dictate what you do. - There is no fixed teaching in Jet Kune Do. Each student must ultimately teach himself, flow like water, adapt to his situation, change with change, and find answers and solutions for his particular situation.
  • Jeet Kune Do favors formlessness so that it can assume all forms and since Jeet Kune Do has no style, it can fit in with all styles. The ultimate goal is effectiveness; and eclectism is the means to achieve that goal.
  • You don't grow unless you go out of the confines of your own system. It is from the old we get security, and the new that we get growth.Individual growth and individual development are important values in Jet Kune Do.
  • Circle with no circumference. - If one philosophy or martial art is represented by a circle, then the goal is to increase the diameter until reaching infinity, including all systems around you.
  • The highest philosophy is no philosophy. By using all philosophies you become formless and shapeless.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Basic Tricks For Dogs

Would you like to train your dog basic tricks? Here are some very simple tricks that you could teach your dog.

Start the training by having your dog sit. Say, "Shake hands," and take his paw with your hand. Hold his paw and say, "Good dog!" Let go of his paw. Do this a few times every day.

After a while, say, "Shake hands," but don't take his paw. See if he raises his paw by himself. If not, keep showing him what to do by saying, "Shake hands," and taking his paw with your hand. Your dog is not slow; he is just learning

Start by having your dog lie down on his belly. You can stand over him or kneel beside him. Using a treat, hold it by his nose, and then move it around and behind him, so that he lies on his side and then rolls over. Tell him what a great dog he is!

Only roll your dog on soft surfaces like carpet or grass so he doesn't hurt his back. Some dogs don't like to roll over. It can be a little scary for them to put their belly up. Try it a few times and but if it's not fun for your dog, choose another trick

Start by sitting on the ground with your dog. While holding a treat, put your hand in front of your dog's nose and lead him toward the ground. As soon as your dog's chin touches ground only for a second, say "Head Down!". Then say "Release" or "OK" and give him the treat after he lifts his head.

Only give your dog the treat after you have released him. Increase the time his chin is touching the ground, so eventually your dog will keep it there while you pet him. Then release him and reward him. Your dog will soon charm your friends with this trick

Start by having your dog lie down. Hold a treat just in front of his nose and say, "Crawl." If he starts to stand up, say, "No, down...crawl." Pull the treat away, keeping it low, near the ground and say, "Craaawl." When your dog moves even an inch or two without standing up, praise him and say, "Good dog! Craaawl."

Start by having your dog stand up facing you. Let your dog see a treat in your hand. Stand still and say, "Turn around". Lead the dog's nose around to the left (clockwise) with the treat so he walks in a circle. When he comes back to where he's facing you again, say, "Good dog!" and give him the treat.

After some practice, hold the treat in front of you so your dog can see it and say, "Turn around," but don't lead his nose. See if he is ready to turn around by himself and get the treat. Pretty soon, he will turn around faster than you can say 'Lassie!"

If you choose to use the words, "Turn Left", use them all the time. Don't use "Turn around" sometimes, and "Turn Left" other times. Be consistent.

Choose a game that your dog loves to play, like catch with a ball, or hide and seek with a toy. Then get him excited by saying, "Let's play! Want to play?" and show him the ball or toy. Jump and act silly so he barks and then say, "Good dog, speak!" Then play the game as his reward for learning "Speak".

You can't make a dog bark, but you can get him happy and excited so he wants to bark. After a while, your dog will bark when you say, "Speak."

Caution! If you have a dog that already causes trouble because of his barking, you might not want to encourage this behavior. If you decide it's ok to teach it, be sure to teach "Quiet", too, but do it at some other time.

Have your dog lie down on his tummy. As you gently roll him over on his side, say, "Take a nap." While he is lying on his side, keeping his head on the floor, say, "Take a nap." Don't give him a treat. Encourage him to stay there for a couple of seconds. Then say, "Ok" or "Wake up!", let him stand up, and give him his reward.

You can use the treat to lure your dog into a lying down position. Don't give your a dog a reward while he is lying down. Give him a treat after he has completed the trick.

Have your dog sit, facing you. Hold his favorite treat just above his head and tell him, "Say please." Your dog will probably lift his front feet off the ground to reach the treat. As soon as the feet are lifted, even a little bit, give him the treat.

This is a hard trick for most dogs. Wait a little longer each time before giving the treat, but be careful not to let your dog fall over on his back. You are helping your dog develop his balance. Be kind and only do this a couple of times

Here's an easy one: Every time your dog licks your face, say, "Give me a kiss. Good boy! Give me a kiss." If he isn't a licker, put a little peanut butter on your cheek and say, "Give me a kiss." When he licks it off say, "Give me a kiss," again.

Tricks like this work because you put words with something your dog does. Pretty soon your dog hears "Give me a kiss," and thinks about licking your face. Then you give him a hug, rub his ears and say, "Good boy!" Dogs love that.

If your dog doesn't fetch naturally, have an adult cut a slit in a tennis ball (a smaller, rubber ball if that is too big). Put some treats inside the tennis ball. Show your dog that there are treats in there, and give her one. Then, throw the ball. In the beginning, run with her and get the ball; then give her the treat. Soon you will be able to throw the ball and she will go get it (because she wants the treat!).

After your dog has figured out what he has to do to get a treat, start throwing the ball two times in a row without giving him the treat. What you are trying to do is give him the treats less and less often so someday he won't need the treats in the ball to fetch it.

source : here

Friday, August 1, 2008

Bā Jí Guán (八极拳)

Baji Quan(
八極拳) literally "eight extremes fist", also known as the kaimen baji quan (open-door eight extremes boxing), is a very respected traditional Chinese martial arts, that features explosive, short range power and is famous for its elbow strikes.

If you read comic book,
KENJI, a story of young man in search of his grandfather who teach him this kongfu(kungfu delapan mata angin). in the story a lot of master of this kongfu is introduced(yes almost of the character are real), like Liu Gekkyu (Liu Yun Qiao,1909 - 1992), Lie Syo Bun (Li Shuwen 1864-1934).

Tactics and Strategy:
Ba Ji fist is known to open the opponent's door/arms forcibly or Qiang Kai Men 强开门 and mount attacks at high, mid, and low levels of the body or San Pan Lian Ji 三盘连击. Thus the style is also called Kai Men Ba Ji Quan 开门八极拳.

Most Chinese Kung Fu styles have their own fighting forté. Bajiquan is generally used in close combat. With this concept, Bajiquan pays much attention to elbow, knee, shoulder and hip strikes. When blocking an attack or nearing an opponent, Bajiquan techniques emphasize striking major points of vulnerability, the thorax (trunk of the body) and roots (legs and neck).

A. Six big ways of opening door or Liu Da Kai 六大开:

  1. Ding 顶: using the fist, elbow, shoulder etc to push forward and upward.
  2. Bao 抱: putting 2 arms together as if hugging someone. It is usually followed by Pi 劈.
  3. Ti 提: elevating the knee to hit the thigh of the opponent, or elevating the foot to hit the shin of the opponent etc.
  4. Dan 单: using a single move.
  5. Kua 胯: using the hip.
  6. Chan 缠: entanglement with rotation around the wrist, elbow and shoulder etc
B. Open Hand Forms and Weapons:
The forms of Baji are divided into Fist (non-weapon) and Weapon forms. There are 20 fist forms. Some of these include:
12 Baji Small Structure Fists, Baji Black Tiger Fist, Baji Dan Zhai, Baji Dan Da/Dui Da, Baji Luo Han Gong, and Baji Si Lang Kuan. In Weapon forms, there are eight different kinds of weapons, including the very famous Liu He Da Qiang (spear), Liu He Hua Qiang (spear), Chun Yang Jian(sword), San Yin Dao (sabre), Xing Zhe Bang (staff), Pudao, and Chun Qiu Da Dao(long two-handed heavy blade, used by Generals sitting on their horses).

C. Six Major Characteristic Powers:

  1. Sinking (Xia Chen 下沉 or Chen Zhui 沉坠)
  2. Thrusting (Chong 冲)
  3. Extending (Cheng 撑)
  4. Entangling (Chan 缠)
  5. Cross (Shi Zi 十字)
  6. Inch (Cun 寸)
Baji Guan was created by Wu Dang Monks, and separated into 2 major parts:
1. Mixed with other konfu e.g Bagua Zhang, Piqua Zhang, Shaolin dan Taichi.
2. Exclusively Spread in most of south china area
In china this kongfu is very popular for chinese moslem, also tought to the bodyguard of taiwan president.

source: wiki
useful links: here


Current players, staff and United legends were queuing up to pay tribute to Ole Gunnar Solskjaer in his testimonial programme. Here are just a taster of some of the comments...

All i can remember about Ole Gunnar "the babyface Assassin" are when he score a goal after Ryan Giggs kicks from half court hit the post, i think "wow, what an opportunist striker he was" and of course the unforgatable winning goal in the Champion leagues 1999. really hard to find a sportman with a loyalty like him nowdays(11 years serving MU). farewell baby face assassin.good luck with your career in MU(as a reserves coach of course).

"The first training session we did with Ole was a shooting session and he was just unbelievable. I remember going home that day and telling my mates we’d just signed the new Alan Shearer."
Ryan Giggs

"Ole was one of the best strikers this club has had. A clever player with two good feet, he always had a great ability to find space and, of course, a great ability in front of goal."
Eric Cantona

"I want to say thank you to Ole for what he’s done for me as a player and a person and for allowing me to be part of history. 1999 was a year in which we made history, both as a team and as friends."
David Beckham

"Ole's a good lad and I’ve always had a lot of admiration for him. He’s always friendly and positive, even when he wasn't always playing. He never sulked – he made sure that when he got a chance he made an impact."
Rio Ferdinand

"I sat next to Ole in the changing room for many years – I must have annoyed him a lot! He’s such a fantastic person and he deserves all the success and adulation that he gets."
Gary Neville

“Ole loved every minute of every training session and game that he played for United. He threw himself into the club and it’s no surprise that he’s still involved now. He’s lived Manchester United."
Phil Neville

"Ole was very clever on the pitch and his finishing in training was just brilliant. It helped me when I was coming into the team, seeing his composure in front of goal."
Wayne Rooney

“Nobody has a bad word to say about Ole. He was a consummate professional and brilliant player who scored some vital goals for us in his time at Old Trafford. He understands what Manchester United is all about and is a great advocate for the club."
David Gill, Chief Executive

"In a one-on-one situation I’ve not seen many better and I’m very grateful to Ole for all the important goals he scored over the years - he’ll always be remembered for that by every United fan."
Sir Bobby Charlton

"When we started training together the thing that I noticed was that Ole was always in the right place and made scoring goals look so easy."
Raimond van der Gouw

“The reasons behind Ole’s success as a player will make him succeed in management – he’s very determined, focused and has a great ability to learn."
Rene Meulensteen, Technical Skills Development coach

"A nicer young man you would be pushed to find. It’s great to see the club have made him an ambassador as well as a coach and shows the esteem in which he is held."
Denis Law

"The qualities Ole has brought United as a player continue to shine now and he fits in with Sir Alex’s plan of keeping people at the club who know and understand the culture and ethos of United."
Ken Ramsden, Club secretary

"I’m extremely proud of the career Ole went on to have with United, he’s a person I’m very fond of and is an ideal professional in the way he acts and the way he trained."
Age Hareide, Norway coach and former Molde manager

Your kick-off time:

INDONESIA (Western Indonesia/Java, Jakarta)
02 Agustus 2008 21:00:00


Kepada Rekan-Rekan :

Mohon kiranya bagi siapa yg memiliki rekening di bank yg tercantum dibawah ini agar waspada dan terus memonitor perkembangan bank dimaksud sebelum terjadi kesulitan utk mencairkan dananya.


Dengan berakhirnya program penjaminan Pemerintah atas simpanan dana pihak ketiga di perbankKan nasional periode 31 Januari 2008 dan pasca dibubarkannya BPPN, nasabah saat ini harus pandai2 menilai & memilih bank yg sehat sebagai partner, dalam aktivitas usaha ataupun tempat untuk menyimpan dana.

Dengan dibubarkannya BPPN pada February 2007 maka berarti tidak akan ada lagi lembaga yg akan menyelamatkan bank2 sakit/sekarat. Pernyataan dari Dirjen Lembaga Keuangan yg secara tersirat menyatakan akan ada beberapa bank lagi yang akan ditutup, berdasarkan hasil investigasi yang kami peroleh.

Berikut daftar bank bank yang akan tutup:

1. Bank Bukopin
2. Bank BRI
3. Bank Mandiri
4. Bank BTN
5. Bank Danamon
6. Bank BCA
7. Bank BII
8. Bank Permata
9. Bank Niaga
10. Bank Agro
11. Bank ABN
12. Citibank
13. Bank HSBC
14. Bank Panin
15. Bank Standard Chartered
16. Bank BNI

Bank-bank tersebut di atas akan tutup sore hari setiap harinya sekitar pukul 15.00 dan akan dibuka kembali esok pagi setiap harinya sekitar pukul 08.00
Demikian pemberitahuan ini kami sampaikan, agar maklum adanya..



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